
Guitar Class

Meets every Wednesday and Friday with exception of holidays and school breaks.

In 2012, creative arts funding was slashed in Detroit Public Schools. Children in Brightmoor, one of the poorest neighborhoods in the country, are no longer exposed to the creative arts as they are brought up. In an area where there is already a dearth of productive and engaging activities for children, these cuts create a developmental gap.

Seven Mile Music through this program seeks to build long-term mentoring relationships with its students, by keeping them engaged year-round through U of M student volunteer teachers.

“You have children who are violinists and they don’t even know it. You have children who could be beautiful pianists and they don’t even know it. There is a need for the arts . . . there is a need for mentoring the children at every level … a program like this would impact our community greatly.”

Pastor Semmeal Thomas, City Covenant Church


No one become successful without the help of someone else.
Summer Camp 2024 Recap Video